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Back to School Guide
A Comprehensive Guide to Budgeting for Back-to-School Bliss

Back-to-school season—a time of new beginnings, fresh notebooks, and the promise of academic adventures ahead. For college students, it's not just about textbooks and class schedules; it's also about managing finances wisely to ensure a...

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Thrifty Adventures
Thrifty Summer Thrills: 15 Wallet-Friendly Adventures

Summer is the perfect time to soak up the sunshine and embark on exciting adventures without breaking the bank. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an urban explorer, or a thrill-seeker, there are plenty of budget-friendly activities to enjoy during...

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Credit Score
The Crucial Role of Your Credit Score and Proven Strategies to Elevate It During Financial Literacy Month!

April is Financial Literacy Month, a time dedicated to enhancing our understanding of personal finance and making informed decisions about money. One of the key aspects of financial health is your credit score—a three-digit number that can significantly...

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Spring Travel Savings
Spring Travel Savings: How to Plan Your Vacation Without Breaking the Bank

As winter bids farewell and the blossoms of spring beckon, the desire to embark on a relaxing vacation grows stronger. Planning a spring vacation does not have to be a financial burden. With a bit of strategic thinking and smart choices, you can embark...

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Teaching Your Kids About Money
Teaching Your Kids About Money With ASB Resources

At American State Bank, we believe in being more than just your Banker, Neighbor, and Friend; we're here to empower you with the tools to navigate the world of finances, especially when it comes to teaching your kids about money. Our resources go...

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Debt Consolidation
Debt Consolidation Options for ASB Customers

Life is full of unexpected turns, and sometimes, a little extra financial support can make all the difference. At American State Bank, we understand that managing multiple debts can be overwhelming. That's why we offer a range of options for our customers...

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Mastering Money: A Month of Spending Challenges
Mastering Money: A Month of Spending Challenges

In a world filled with tempting purchases and endless ways to spend money, taking control of your finances can seem like a daunting task. However, with a bit of creativity and commitment, you can effectively take control of your finances. One effective...

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Small Business Retirement
The Best Retirement Plans for Small Business Owners

Planning for retirement is a crucial aspect of financial stability, especially for small business owners who often lack the security of traditional pension plans. With various retirement options available, choosing the right plan is essential to ensure...

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Planning Ahead: How to Start Saving Early for Holiday Shopping
Planning Ahead: How to Start Saving Early for Holiday Shopping

We all eagerly anticipate the holiday season and the joy it brings, but it is no secret that holiday shopping can often lead to financial stress. However, by planning ahead and starting your purchases this fall, you can save big and...

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10 Budgeting Tips for College Students
10 Budgeting Tips for College Students

Back-to-school season is upon us, and as you are heading back to school, don’t let budgeting slip your mind! As you try to balance your heavy workload, studying, and spending time with your friends, budgeting your finances in college can be a challenge....

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