At American State Bank, we believe in being more than just your Banker, Neighbor, and Friend; we're here to empower you with the tools to navigate the world of finances, especially when it comes to teaching your kids about money. Our resources go beyond traditional banking services; they are your guides to financial literacy for the whole family.

Product Education Videos: Simplifying the Basics

Ever wondered how mobile wallets or online banking really work? ASB offers a library of product education videos that break down these concepts. Whether you're introducing financial literacy to your children or guiding them through opening their first savings account or getting their first debit card, our videos simplify the intricacies of banking products. These resources make understanding the financial world a little easier for both you and your kids.

Blogs That Make Learning Fun: Explore the ASB Blog

Our blog is a treasure trove of information when it comes to teaching your kids about money. Dive into articles like "Fun Savings Games for Kids" and "Cybersecurity Tips for Kids." These blogs aren't just informative; they're designed to make learning about money engaging and enjoyable for your little ones.

Security and Identity Theft Tips: Protecting What Matters

As parents, ensuring the safety and security of our children is a top priority. ASB provides security and identity theft tips that you can use to communicate effectively with your kids about online safety. These resources are designed to be easily explained, helping your children understand the importance of protecting their personal information in the digital age.

Tips for Teaching Kids About Money and Financial Literacy:

  • Start Early: Introduce basic financial concepts early on, making money discussions a natural part of everyday conversations.
  • Use Real-Life Examples: Relate financial lessons to real-life situations to help kids grasp the practical side of money management.
  • Make it Fun: Turn learning about money into a game or activity. Whether it's setting savings goals or budgeting for treats, make it enjoyable.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate healthy financial habits, as children often learn best by observing. Show them responsible spending, saving, and giving.
  • Encourage Questions: Create an open environment where your kids feel comfortable asking questions about money. Answering their curiosity fosters a positive relationship with finances.

At ASB, we're not just about banking; we're about fostering financial literacy within families. Use our resources to make teaching your kids about money an enriching and enjoyable experience. Together, let's empower the next generation to be financially savvy!